Friday, 11 November 2016

Connecting 15Khz Arcade CRT Monitor Cab to Raspberry Pi with Pi2Jamma

Find there the Pi2Jamma project. This nice little PCB let you connect your Raspberry Pi  to Arcade Cabs with 15 Khz RGB Arcade CRT Screen monitors, of course via Jamma interface.

Here is the most recent version

The Raspberry Pi will connect to the plug.

This is our prototype PCB.

For testing purposes we used the Supergun MAK Strike.
Sure, games can be played on your 15Khz RGB TV with a supergun, too. ;)

Pi2Jamma has this features

- native 15 khz video output, 
- RGB video amplifier for brilliant colors
- direct lagless controls
- sound amplifier with volume control
- 6 Button Support for each player
- Jamma interface.
- extra Image for download.

PI2Jamma is available at Arcadeforge.

Youtube Video

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